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A Spring Walk

I got up this morning determined to do something about my weight and lack of exercise! Suffice it to say I used to be a skinny young thing and the years have turned me into a chubby little thing. I think as I've slowed down and haven't kept up the amount of physical activity I used to do, my body has held on to every pound I've gained. I've decided I want the old me back or at least as close to the old me as possible. My hope is to lose enough weight so that I feel comfortable again in my own skin.

There is a small little neighborhood adjacent to mine that is an amazing place to take a walk. The homes are incredible. I dream as I walk past these homes of arched doorways and beautiful gardens.

Candy tuft

I thought this flower display looked like something you would see in a vase. I couldn't believe there were sunflowers already. It seems early for them.

I love arched doorways!

This gorgeous dove flew down to say hello.

This is my dream home. I've been eyeing this house for years. Way out of my price range, but one can dream.

This tree reminded me of cotton candy. Just as I passed beneath it a swirl of wind blew the petals into the air. They floated down on me like a gentle rain.

If I can't have the first house pictured, this one will do. The mass amount of forget me nots made this yard look like a fairyland.

I've never seen birds like these before. The trees were filled with them.

I loved this hedge. When the sun hit it, it looked like it was glowing.

I love the idea of the small flowerbed within a lawn, very pretty!

I hope you enjoyed the walk. I'm hoping to take many more in the future.

Have a blessed day!