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Carolyn Quartermaine ~ Vogue Living Australia

Have you ever come across someone who captures your imagination and makes it soar?

Discovering Carolyn Quartermaine was like that for me. Her taste and aesthetics for beauty captured my imaginings. I purchased her one and only published work that I know of, it is called Carolyn Quartermaine Revealed. There is another title this book is published under, Carolyn Quartermaine Unwrapped. One version is from a British publisher, the other from an American one.

This book has been the one book I go to over and over again for inspiration. Her design style is refreshing and pure with an opulent flow of color and light. She is truly an artist’s artist.

Vogue Living Australia just recently featured her home in their beautiful magazine.

Photos: Vogue Living Australia

Photos: Vogue Living Australia

I encourage you to visit her website Carolyn Quartermaine. She has been named Designer of the year 2008 " Maison et Objets "

I also found this wonderful YouTube interview with her by Trendease.

A small update: A comment was left by a Trendease representative with a link to more Carolyn Quartermaine. It is a fantastic link. Please check it out here.