Favorites on my Blog

The Ending of Summer

I took a long walk last Saturday. As I walked, I let the gentle warm breezes fill my senses. The last roses and daisies of the summer nodded their heads.

I thrilled to see skippers darting about the gardens like fairy children gathering the last of the nectar from the fading flowers.

My walk took me past one of my favorite houses. I call it, “The French House.” There were two Vespa’s parked on the front lawn. A whimsical red balloon was tied to one of them, and it made me smile.

A charming scene waited on the front porch. I pictured the small table with twinkling candle light, welcoming guests to a beautifully prepared meal.

I walked on and spied these gorgeous red peppers hanging on a fence.

By this time twilight had fallen. I hurried home full of inspiration.


  1. what a beautiful walk Nancy...thanks for taking me along...it looks like your neighborhood is full of fun people with a real sense of whimsy...i love it!!!

  2. Your neighbors must have had a wonderful day or evening planned. Gorgeous shots of nature and your neighborhood. Beauty is always close to home.

  3. what a lovely walk you had Nancy, beautiful photos! Rachaelxo

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Great photos!!
    Fall is upon us!

  5. Wow! Beautiful photos. Thanks for taking us on your walk.


  6. Your photos are so stunning my dear; what a wonderful close to a summer well spent and full of fun blogging and friendships! Bisous, Anita

  7. Isn't walking in your neighbourhood one of life's simple pleasures? I do it too, and enjoy it very much.

  8. What a wonderful walk. I love the house too.
    And what a delightful picture with the balloon.

  9. Stunning photos as usual. How can one not be inspired when surrounded by creation nestled in the palm of the Creator. It sounds like you are settling back in wonderfully. I am glad you found contentment in the beauty around you.

    Thank you for dropping in for a visit and for your well wishes. Praying you will have a heart overflowing excitement and inspiration.

  10. Nancy,

    I am holding on to every second of summer that I can.
    No fall decorations will go up until the frost hits the ground.
    I will keep my few tiny seashells close at hand.

    That pretty French house has me intrigued…
    Is it a small cottage house or a large one filled with rooms?
    I love that front door…

    Have a wonderful day my dear friend,


  11. Shadows are lengthening, the nights are cool, and yet the days still feel like summer. I love this time of year!



  12. Oh to have a house that is called the French house and to have one, no two Vespa's. not to mention a red balloon...well how cool is that. It just tickles imagination, just love that, thanks. Have a lovely day!

  13. I guess we'll just have to move in together, as I covet that house too!

  14. Inspiration abounds if we just take time to look.
    The balloon tied to the Vespa made me miss my Napoli...

  15. What an inspirational walk. I can just imagine breathing in the last warm days of summer.


  16. Nancy what a lovely walk you had, you took some gorgeous pictures, the red balloon one made me smile too, I love the lil peeks of that house, it must be stunning :) Now when fall comes in all its glory I look forward to pictures of those walks too :) Rose
