Favorites on my Blog

Natural Beauty

This summer I've been drawn to nature in my decorating. My last few posts have been on seashells, but there have been other natural beauties capturing my attention. Like this gorgeous fern below. I think the name of it is Squirrel Foot or Rabbits Foot fern. It has these amazing silky outgrowths that look like the foot of an animal.

Another natural element I love is quartz crystal . . . otherwise known as nature's bling. I tried to capture their beauty for you, but I couldn't. These gorgeous stones really satisfy my need for sparkle.

I'm starting to have crazy thoughts . . . like chucking anything in my house that isn't from nature and surrounding myself in a grotto full of seashells, quartz, and ferns. What do you think?


  1. OH DEAR!!!! NOOOO! DON'T CHUCK! Rather, embellish gently, as you so know how to do! I love that white quartz and the ferns....so soft!

    BISOUS! Anita

  2. Hi Nancy! Interesting how our tastes and styles change and sometimes not at all, yet the world around us does! Loving all you decorate with, as always. Just let me know when I can move in so I can take a break from doing it tee hee!

    xo Molly

  3. Bonjour Nancy,
    I'm with Anita, embellish gently...She is such a lovely lady. Thank you for yout visit. I tried to add you to my blog list, but Blogger said I reached my limit! How rude! I will keep trying though.
    If it is agreeable with you I would love to sent you an email.
    Bon week-end,

  4. It is me again Nancy. I cannot seem to get the email link to work on your boutique page, could you be so kind as to forward me your email. I have an email button on the top left of my blog. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  5. Ma belle, thank you for visiting! ENJOY THE WEEKEND! Anita

  6. Isn't God good to give us such an amazing planet to care for. I do believe you have captured the crystal very well. My grandparents were rockhounds, had many rock shops, traveled/lived in an old school bus to digs, and I was introduce early of the earths treasures.
    Breath the Beauty

  7. I think it is the seasons that make us crave change. And to fill are being in a different way. And for some, one season stands out more than the rest. I think you just may be a summer girl.
    Please don’t chuck just embrace your season and embellish like Anita suggested.

    I hope you are having a wonderful summmer...


  8. Hello Nancy,

    So glad to see you enjoying the healing powers of crystals...quartz and wonderful!

    I also have tons of plants in my home...
    Love ferns!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  9. I have some gorgeous rose quartz in my bedroom....it helps with romance!! although i had the quartz in the bedroom before i knew that....me and my hubbie are still loved up..who knows maybe its that!! hee hee

    Love your header pic!

  10. hehehe, had to chuckle about throwing everything out part but I do love your natural elements Nancy. SO quietly beautiful. xoxo Heather

  11. Hey Ms Nancy,

    I think that you should do what ever makes you happy... If you feel this need to chuck and surround with ferns and nature ... then go for it!! That is the whole purpose of decorating isnt it? To surround ourselves with things we love?

    I know that whatever you do it will be what you need to do for you !!..

    By the way ....I have the same kind of fern and I believe its actually called a "spider" fern... for the hairy spider legs that grow out of it... take a look LOL!!


  12. Hi Nancy,
    You know, I'm with you on this one for certain. I love natural elements, a rock, a shell, a twig and it all has special meaning. Your photos are beautiful, I am especially loving the fern rising up to the Sun! Happy week to you, I really think you did that lovely quartz justice in it's beauty ;)

  13. I love crystals and keep them around too. There is one right by my computer, peeking out from under my screen at me right now.

  14. Beautiful, scared me at first the chucking part....thought you meant the quartz.....ha ha. I love ferns, but they always die...what is your secret?
    In Ontario they have mines for amethyst, the lavender quartz and it is just beautiful... I wish now that I would have collected it as a child......before I moved away and they guard it now!!!
    Love the idea of natural decorating...you may be onto something Nancy!!!
    Margaret B

  15. Nancy, you have such a wonderful eye for beauty. Love those crystals!

    Maybe when you're done chucking and changing your corner of the world you could stop in and do the same for mine? I don't have that kind of courage. :)



  16. Hello Nancy...thank you so much for popping over for a visit!!!
    I see the fern you show us...if it's the one I'm thinking of over here we call it Hare's Foot Fern and I have one!!!
    I think surrounding yourself with Nature sounds absolutely divine...you go girl...Dzintra♥x

  17. Very lovely blog.... I see faires fluttering around... come have tea with me! ;) Nice meeting you.


  18. Mother Nature, she makes the best bling If you build your grotto~~~~~
    I want to see!!!

    Hugs to you Nancy ~
    Enjoy your weekend!!


  19. Love quartz, especially rose quartz. I agree, just embellish with natural elements.

    I pull out the seashells and beach glass in the summer but it only stays out from June- mid September.

    Autumnal colors are waiting in the wings and I can't wait!

  20. Nancy I love the rabbits foot fern too. They are so interesting in their form.
    Hey if you start chucking...you can always chuck things my way.hehe! I think since I have so much nature out my front and back door it satisfies my need for it. So I fill the house up with the 'junk' I love so much.
    hugs to you dear one...

  21. Beautiful, natural images! God is the ultimate designer! Art beyond measures. I love your attitude!
