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Joyeux Printemps!

Spring is here!

Thank you all for your well wishes. I’m feeling much better now. The sun has been out all morning and I’m doing a happy dance. Our plum tree is flowering and dandelions abound in our yard. Dandelions really are incredible when you look at them up close.

Pouring some sunshine into your life today with these photos. Enjoy!


  1. Lucky you, Nancy! We're in the middle of another bit of a snowstorm up here in Montreal :( That sunshine and those flowers sure look wonderful.

  2. Nancy only you could make a dandilion look so darn inviting! *winks* No doubt there will be many of them for me to enjoy in my own yard lol! Such gorgeous pictures my friend! It's always such a pleasure to visit you here. Vanna

  3. We had another dump of snow today. I'm looking forward to our own Dandelions soon. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Oh how we all want lots of sunshine now! I can hardly wait until we get some blossoms. Florence

  5. NANCY!!!! What great photos, as only you can do. AND YOUR BANNER! Did you paint the middle image? I am so glad to hear you are feeling better...wow, the flu shots I take in September have kept me from getting sick with 50 kids, so I am glad I have been fairly healthy...I would hate to be set back so.....THANK YOU FOR VISITING and yes, our rooms have taken shape and only await YOUR visit....someday. Blessings and BISOUS, Anita

  6. Quick! Hide me within the confines of your lovely photos!

    We're expecting a snowstorm later today.

  7. I love your banner, I love the colors…

    A very happy spring to you from the land of more snow tomorrow,
    gray skies and doom. Please send me a touch of that beautiful bleu.


  8. Awe inspiring Nancy! Aaah, I think I really needed to see these pictures today, because guess what?....it's snowing again here today!
    big hugs

  9. Nancy I LOVE your new blog header! How do you do it? And where can I get a book of page after page of your amazing photographs? Vanna

  10. So happy to hear you are feeling better Nancy ...

    Your photos are quite lovely .... brings a bit of sunshine to me ...its a bit dreary here .... and colder than it has been .... though the trees are budding .... pushing their little heads through in anticipation of spring! Soon...!!

