Favorites on my Blog

Christmas Sparkle

This is my favorite time of year to decorate with silver and gold. I love these branches spray painted with gold glitter paint, and set inside a mirrored mosaic vase. The vase was a sale item at Michael's this year. As I was getting into the car, the bottom of the vase lightly tapped the steering wheel breaking the base into pieces. I tried returning it for a replacement, but the Michael's manager said they were discontinued. I decided to keep it and fix it. So far, my Krazy glued, felt-reinforced base is holding up well. I hope it lasts for a lifetime. I really think this is a fun vase.

Our kitchen chandelier decked out with silver ornaments.

A golden crown on a lace pincushion adds a bit of glamour to our holiday.

We get our tree tomorrow, I can't wait!
Have a Great Day


  1. As beautiful as I remember it.....how you would love to see our little tree and crowns and birds, Nancy...it is so you, and me! LOVE YOU! Anita

  2. I love the little lace covered pin cushion I thought it was a pillow

    and love the chandelier all decorated so pretty

  3. Sorry about the vase but it is very beautiful and I hope it lasts for you! Your home has such a sweet and elegant feel to it!

  4. Hope the vase lasts a few more years, beautiful display. I just broke a green Santa, wood floors are very unforgiving! Laura

  5. Just looked in on your Hot Cocoa, sounds wonderful will be trying that this holiday season. Thanks Laura

  6. Good afternoon sweet sister! Oh, that white horse....my favorite animal on the planet. I wonder if our Lord will literally be on a white horse when He takes back what is His....whether He is on a snow-white steed or not, praise HIS NAME! Blessings to you and thank you so much for such a lovely comment, Anita

  7. Your Christmas adornments are gorgeous and so beautifully displayed I have joined your followers list and would love to have you join me as well. Hugs, Gayle

  8. Just lovely as always Nancy! I hope your vase continues to hold up as long as you want it to. Vanna

  9. Nancy..you are a true artist. What beauty you have here!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    - Irina
