Favorites on my Blog


I've spent the day cleaning and putting the holiday decorations away.
A peaceful space is emerging in our home and it's time rest.

Millinery drawers organized and ready for creative fun.

This drawer has guardian fairies.

I'm in the planning stages for several projects I want to accomplish this year.
The key to my success is time management.


  1. I SURE DO.
    1. Identify what you want to accomplish.
    2. See what the possible solutions are.
    3. PLAN.
    4. Do.
    5. Improve.

    This is my plan for the year and the rest is TIME MANAGEMENT FOR SURE! Love to you dear one, Anita

  2. A VERY pretty way to start the year you seem to have set your goals well so im sure youll achieve them ! ENJOY
    Fay x

  3. Your home is lovely as always.

    This year I hope to relax a bit more and unleash my creativity. I plan to take some photography classes and reconnect with friends.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I love that little corner shelf - it is beyond beautiful. :)

  5. Beautiful, so ready for creating. Take time for yourself and do what makes your heart sing! Hugs! Florence

  6. So much pretty. Sending wishes for a happy 2012.


  7. Good evening precious sister. Thank you for visiting me and Ruben. Anita

  8. Hi Nancy, I do have some goals this year, and it is to do more creating. I also would love to do more in the garden.
    I love your beautiful home Nancy. It calms me every time I see it.
    Wishing you a perfect 2012 my sweet friend.

  9. Hello Dear Nancy,

    What gorgeous photos here..stunning. Those fairies! What a magnificent, creative family!! :)

    For me, it certainly is a time management issue..
    I am learning from dear Anita that ANYTHING is possible when you set your mind to it!
    - Irina

  10. Nancy,
    Great plan, I'm trying for better time management as well. Lovely post as always. You always manage to find the most incredible pieces and display them to perfection.

  11. ummmm Nancy you're much better at this than me...can you come over? *winks* My goals for 2012 are to get organized and more importantly take better care of my health by embracing exercise...No easy feat *winks* And that shelf IS dreamy! Vanna

  12. Nancy,

    Your images are always so magical. I have a box of special millinery flowers that I should take the time to organize-those kinds of things always bring simple pleasures. It's funny that you mention the necessity of time management with obtaining goals...While shopping at a local flea market today, I was speaking to a vendor and that is exactly what she said! Perhaps there's a reason I've heard that twice in one day!
    May your new year be plentious with blessings and personal achievements.

