Favorites on my Blog

Day 7 ~ Fourteen Days of Romance ~ Friendship Bracelet Tutorial

A sweet friendship bracelet is a great way to show your love on Valentine's Day.

I created mine out of a 44 inch length of leather, and a beautiful silver ring.

The ring is a powerful symbol, a line that has no beginning or end.
For centuries it has been used to express devotion and undying love.

If you would like to make a friendship bracelet for a loved one of your own, here's how:

Cut the leather into two equal lengths

Make a loop at the center of one of your leather lengths by pinching it together

Place the loop through the ring

Bring the ends of your leather strip through the loop on the outside of the ring

Voila! You have one side of your bracelet finished!

Do the same thing on the opposite side of the ring with the other leather length, and your bracelet is complete.

Tie it around your friend's wrist, and trim the leather to the desired length.

I tied this one on with a bow.



  1. Yes, sweet. And I could see using pretty silk cord, perhaps. [ I have lots of that, no leather.]
    7 more days!! We're with you!

  2. What a lovely and simple gift to make Nancy!
    - Irina

  3. Going to show this to my daughter. It is right up her alley. I can imagine her carrying them around school, finding her friends.

    Thank you, and you are exactly right, bloggers who post frequently are AMAZING! (I love seeing their beautiful ideas) I think they are amazing if they are even able to visit and leave sweet comments on a regular basis!!!
