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Those Macarons and A Sweet Luscious Weekend

So many of you asked if I made the amazing macarons in the last post. No, I didn't. The mini rose petal macarons, and the lovely beauties below were purchased at our local farmers market.

Get ready to drool . . .

Peanut butter and dark chocolate . . . rich, creamy, and yummy!

Sweet strawberry

Zesty orange citrus

Lemon, orange, and rose petal . . .

These pretty baby donuts were handmade by us.

I have to say it was a sweet weekend.
All sweets were shared with friends. I didn't make an oink of myself!


  1. Oh là là, if Ruben saw this, he would scream.

    Macaroons are just the most beautiful little biskie in the world....HELLO THERE DEAR SISTER!!!! Anita

  2. I love making macaron, but living here in the Northwest, we hardly ever get enough dry weather to have success. It is green and beautiful, though.

    Do you use a doughnut maker? I've thought about buying one, but have heard mixed reviews.

  3. Oh Nancy, you will love all the different recipes for these cookies! AND IF YOU EVER get to Paris, you will flip, you will absolutely SCREAM at the array of macaroons you will see there! Anita

  4. Drool! I can taste them, literally. Thanks every so much for sharing such beauties with us. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  5. Looks soooo delicious, Nancy! I bought the ladies who traveled with us to Paris in November a box of Laduree macarons, and they didn't like them!!! GASP!! We were just talking about macaroon vs. macaron tonight...the ones I buy here are so different...like coconut vs. almond paste. I fear I am not very macaron savvy. [[But I do a mean Macarena :)) ]

  6. I wouldn't a thunk it.....but you're a cruel cruel woman *winks* Pass me one right now and nobody gets hurt! Lol! Vanna

  7. Fantastically beautiful macarons and donuts and photographs, Nancy, I bet they were Scrumdidlyumtious too!!

    Here's to a wonderful, magical March!!


  8. I love sharing dessert with friends. I often invite friends over for dessert night. It's a fun and inexpensive way to entertain.

  9. They're sweet little treasures, just like you!

    Next time, call me. I'll be happy to relieve you of your oink duties.

  10. Nancy, nooooo!! Don't do this to us! :)) hee...
    So yummy, and your photos are exquisite as always.
    Thank you, kind friend, for your visit, always wonderful to see your messages!
    - Irina

  11. Sweet Nancy!

    YES! CAN YOU BELIEVE 30 years has past????? AND my dearest friend Irina, up above here, gave me and Ruben a box of the PRETTIEST MACAROONS YESTERDAY!! Aqua and PINK!!!!!!! Oh dearest, one day we shall see each other again and we can make some. We have some fabulous French patîsseries here and oh how I wish you could come for a time!

