The Created Muse

She bent and swayed to the music, her arms waving gracefully in the air. "I'm finished," she whispered.

I looked at her and wished I could do more for her, but I knew she was right. It was time to send her on to her new home and see what her new creator would dress her in. I even crossed my fingers that she might actually get a hand painted face. She didn’t seem to mind that she hadn't been given one.

I picked her up and she nestled down into the soft white tissue paper, dreaming of her new home.


Romancing The Bling said...

Oh my, she is really beautiful! Thank you for sharing her and your wonderful talent!
Come by for a visit as I have given my blog a fresh look after being MIA for quite awhile.

Take care,

rochambeau said...

Oh happy Day! A magnificent Muse has been born.
Who will get to work on her next Nancy???
She is beautiful!
Great Great job!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Sandy said...

What a precious little dancer. I am sure her new mommy will love dressing her in the finest of ruffles and lace and pearls!

Alison Gibbs said...

Oh how beautiful

LW said...

She is wonderful Nancy....
Who is the lucky person who will get to add a touch of love to this
tiny little Miss...?


TwoMaisons said...

What a graceful creation she is! I'm so glad to have discovered your blog and talent. ~Susan

Elizabeth said...

So delightful and pretty beyond belief
came to you via the lovely Constance!

Tracey said...

Dropping by from "seeing" you @ Christina's Soul Apeture B-day party! Your blog is simply romantic, feminine to the highest & softly beautiful. So glad to have taken a look - I WILL be back :-)

Fleur de Bee said...

Very beautiful!! My soul sister working with wire I see! I would love to make her a tutu :) Perhaps if her sister is born I can do one for her and send it to you for her to wear!


Natasha Burns said...

oh how beautiful she is Nancy. I even like her without a face, but I'm curious to know where she is going next!

June said...

Oh Nancy I don't have words to express the beauty of this creation of yours. I just love your amazing talent!
hugs said...

Beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful! Rachaelxo