The Sunshine at Last!

Rain . . . rain . . . rain . . .

It’s been raining here all week. It’s wonderful, but after so many days it can get a bit dreary. Yesterday dawned bright and clear and gave me a chance to take some photos.

On Monday, I drove to Berkeley to visit Castle in the Air. I had a specific purpose for visiting, which I will tell you all about later.

I purchased these sweet little mini crayons while I was there, and then visited another shoppe called Tail of the Yak.

Tail of the Yak is a fun shoppe with a gorgeous ribbon selection. I purchased some ribbon for a project and the shop keeper gave me this wonderful calendar. I love the scrolled carefree writing.

I’ve promised myself to one day take a calligraphy class. I would love to be able to write beautifully.

I want to wish a very Happy Mother's Day to all of the lovely Moms who take time to visit this little blog spot.

Have a beautiful weekend!


The Victorian Parlor said...

Looks like it was a fun shopping trip:) The calender is beautiful and I love how you photographed it!



Rosemary said...

Hi there,
I have always wanted to go to that shop!
What fun!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the sweet Mother's Day wishes. I imagine taking calligraphy lessons would be amazing, I have horrible penmanship for a lady :(

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day! I'd love to see your calligraphy once you learn! :) said...

That is something I'd love to learn too. Those swirly letters always look so lovely!

NeereAnDear said...

I love that website and the blog... such a fun place to get lost in... I cant wait to hear what your project is.... mmmmm from what we have seen of your talent so far ...I have no doubt it will be heavenly


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Tail of the Yak,.....I have only been there once, but every time my husband is in SF on business he buys me a treat there! I have some terrific things from that beautiful shop, and I too have a stunning calendar from a few years ago, it still hangs in my guest room! Your pictures are great!!!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a gorgeous post, as usual!
I've heard of Tail of the Yak. I'm so envious!

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Have a lovely mothers day too! I think I am going to have a lovely day, my girls have gone to a bit of trouble already. what a sweet calender too.

LW said...

We had a rainy week as well, sun popping out for a while only to be followed by rain..
I would love to be able to go to Castles In the Air…maybe someday…

Enjoy you weekend....


Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Have a Happy Mother's Day, Nancy! Enjoy the bright sunshine too.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Thank you, Nancy. I do miss her and seeing this little doll brings back so many, well, not too good memories of seeing my mom cancer-ridden, however, her soul shines with the beauty of angels and this doll was put together with the pure love of loving hands. Merci. Anita

Sea Angels said...

Wow what beautiful items you make, I am loving your exquisite pages.
Hugs Lynn xx

Stephenie said...

That calendar is just sooooo BEAUTIFUL!!! What a pretty post!!!! Enjoy the sunshine and Happy Mother's Day...

Celticlass said...

I love to calligraphy. The way you design shoes etc. you should have no problem. There are so many wonderful lettering styles. Ken Brown is a good source and if you can find it Painting for Calligraphers by Marie Angel is an inspiring book. Writing Wishes, Erin

Beneath the Eaves said...

Enjoy the sunshine. The callendar is beautiful.
I too love the caligraphy. Find a copperplate nib and it is easier than you think to create the letters. With your talent you will have no problems.

Sandy said...

We have been saturated with rain for two weeks now and I totally get how dreary it is. We had one beam of sunshine early this morning but it only lasted a brief few minutes.

What fun shops and supplies. I can't wait to hear about your next project. Have a wonderful week.

Grace said...

Hey there...just had to finally leave a note instead of just lurking as I always say thank you so much for

-introducing me to the wonder that is Castle in the Air. If only I lived closer, but I can still admire from afar.

-introducing me to your sister-in-law's blog. She's truly a kindred spirit, as it seems are you!

Thank you!